Lorrie Laver

Lorrie Laver

Wannabe bacon evangelist. Music buff. Freelance web advocate. General tv trailblazer. Devoted travel practitioner.

78 Articles Written
Using Heading Tags and Internal Links for SEO

Using Heading Tags and Internal Links for SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an essential part of website development, but it’s often overlooked by business...

Understanding the Technical Aspects of SEO

Understanding the Technical Aspects of SEO

Are you looking to gain a better understanding of the technical aspects of SEO? Are you an aspiring SEO specialist, or an ...

How to Write for People First and SEO Second

How to Write for People First and SEO Second

Writing content for people first and search engines second can be a daunting task. It requires a delicate balance of...

HubSpot Content Marketing Certification Program

HubSpot Content Marketing Certification Program

Are you looking for a way to get certified in content marketing? The HubSpot Content Marketing Certification Program is...

Implementing 301 Redirects: A Web Development Tip

Implementing 301 Redirects: A Web Development Tip

301 redirects are an essential part of website development and SEO best practices. Proper implementation of 301 redirects ...

Building Relationships with Influencers

Building Relationships with Influencers

Influencer marketing is one of the most powerful tools for building relationships and growing a business. By leveraging...

Creating Local Content and Landing Pages for SEO Optimization

Creating Local Content and Landing Pages for SEO Optimization

In today's digital age, creating local content and landing pages for SEO optimization is essential for businesses to stay ...

Submitting to Directories and Web Listings

Submitting to Directories and Web Listings

Are you looking to increase your website's visibility and search engine rankings? Submitting your website to directories...

Identifying Link Opportunities for SEO Strategies and Link Building Strategies

Identifying Link Opportunities for SEO Strategies and Link Building Strategies

Link building is an essential part of any successful SEO strategy, as it helps to create relationships between websites...

Utilizing Structured Data Markup for SEO Web Development

Utilizing Structured Data Markup for SEO Web Development

In the ever-evolving world of SEO web development, utilizing structured data markup is an essential part of success....

Using Local Schema Markup: A Comprehensive Overview

Using Local Schema Markup: A Comprehensive Overview

As the world of online marketing continues to evolve, the importance of local schema markup has become increasingly...

Building Backlinks for SEO Fundamentals and Off-Page Optimization

Building Backlinks for SEO Fundamentals and Off-Page Optimization

Building backlinks is an essential part of SEO and off-page optimization. Backlinks are one of the most important ranking ...

Ensuring Mobile Compatibility

Ensuring Mobile Compatibility

As businesses continue to shift towards a mobile-first approach, it is becoming increasingly important to ensure that...

Optimizing for Featured Snippets and Position Zero

Optimizing for Featured Snippets and Position Zero

As a website owner, you want to get the most visibility and traffic from your content. One way to do that is by...

Claiming Local Listings for SEO Optimization

Claiming Local Listings for SEO Optimization

If you're looking to take your local business to the next level, claiming your local listings is one of the best ways to...

Maximizing Content Visibility with Social Media Marketing

Maximizing Content Visibility with Social Media Marketing

In today's digital age, social media marketing is becoming increasingly important in reaching out to potential customers...

Optimizing for Local Citations

Optimizing for Local Citations

Local citations are essential for businesses looking to increase their visibility in local search engine results. By...

SEO Fundamentals: An Introduction to Search Engine Optimization

SEO Fundamentals: An Introduction to Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an essential part of any successful digital marketing strategy. It is a process of...

Maximizing the Benefits of Online Reviews

Maximizing the Benefits of Online Reviews

In the digital age, online reviews are becoming increasingly important for businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re a...

Using Canonical Tags to Reduce Duplicate Content

Using Canonical Tags to Reduce Duplicate Content

When it comes to optimizing your website for search engine rankings, one of the most important techniques is to ensure...

Advanced Keyword Optimization Techniques

Advanced Keyword Optimization Techniques

Are you looking to optimize your website’s keywords and search rankings? If so, then you’ll need to understand the...

Identifying Link Opportunities

Identifying Link Opportunities

Link building is an essential part of any successful SEO strategy. It's the process of creating relationships with other...

Optimizing for Local Search

Optimizing for Local Search

Are you looking to get your website and content optimized for local search? In today's digital world, local search...

Tracking Website Performance Metrics

Tracking Website Performance Metrics

Are you looking for ways to track and monitor the performance of your website? Monitoring the performance of your website ...

Developing a Content Marketing Plan: An In-Depth Guide

Developing a Content Marketing Plan: An In-Depth Guide

Are you looking to develop a content marketing plan that will help you achieve your goals? Whether you are looking to...

Developing an Outreach Plan

Developing an Outreach Plan

Are you looking for a way to effectively reach out to potential customers and build your business? Developing an...

Optimizing Page Speed and Performance

Optimizing Page Speed and Performance

Are you looking for ways to optimize the page speed and performance of your website? If so, you’ve come to the right...

A Comprehensive Overview of SEO 101 Certification Programs

A Comprehensive Overview of SEO 101 Certification Programs

Are you looking for an SEO certification program that can give you the tools and knowledge to make your website more...

Creating an Effective Link Building Strategy

Creating an Effective Link Building Strategy

Link building is an essential part of any search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. It involves creating external links...

Optimizing for Featured Snippets and Position Zero

Optimizing for Featured Snippets and Position Zero

Are you looking for ways to optimize your website for featured snippets and position zero in search engines? With the...

Creating Local Content and Landing Pages

Creating Local Content and Landing Pages

As businesses become increasingly reliant on digital marketing tactics to reach their target audiences, creating local...

Using Anchor Text Effectively: An SEO Tips and Tricks Guide

Using Anchor Text Effectively: An SEO Tips and Tricks Guide

Using anchor text effectively is one of the most important aspects of SEO and link building. With a well-crafted anchor...

How Search Engine Algorithms Work

How Search Engine Algorithms Work

Search engine algorithms are the backbone of the modern internet. They are responsible for ensuring that when users...

Using Schema Markup for Rich Snippets

Using Schema Markup for Rich Snippets

If you are looking for ways to improve your website's visibility in search engine rankings, using schema markup for rich...

Optimizing Semantic Search Terms

Optimizing Semantic Search Terms

Search engine optimization is a vital part of any successful digital marketing strategy. With the ever-evolving landscape ...

Creating Content Clusters and Silos: An SEO Strategy

Creating Content Clusters and Silos: An SEO Strategy

Creating content clusters and silos is an important SEO strategy that can help you boost your website's rankings,...

How to Improve Page Speed for SEO

How to Improve Page Speed for SEO

Having a fast loading website is essential for SEO success. Page speed not only affects user experience, but it can also...

Using Influencer Marketing for Advanced SEO & Off-Page Optimization

Using Influencer Marketing for Advanced SEO & Off-Page Optimization

As businesses continue to grow and expand, the need to ensure their presence online becomes increasingly important....

Understanding User Behavior

Understanding User Behavior

Understanding user behavior is essential for any business in today's digital world. With the ever-changing landscape of...

Optimizing Page Titles and Meta Descriptions for SEO

Optimizing Page Titles and Meta Descriptions for SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a critical part of any website's success. One of the key elements of successful SEO...

Yoast SEO Training Program: A Comprehensive Overview

Yoast SEO Training Program: A Comprehensive Overview

Are you looking for an in-depth and comprehensive overview of the Yoast SEO Training Program? With this program, you can...

Implementing Structured Data and Schema Markup

Implementing Structured Data and Schema Markup

Are you looking to improve your website's visibility in search engine results? Implementing structured data and schema...

Choosing the Right Keywords for SEO

Choosing the Right Keywords for SEO

Choosing the right keywords for SEO can be a daunting task for any website owner, especially when just starting out. With ...

Enhancing Crawlability with Sitemaps

Enhancing Crawlability with Sitemaps

Having an effective and well-structured sitemap is essential for any website that wants to maximize its visibility in...

Developing an Editorial Calendar for SEO Strategies and Content Strategies

Developing an Editorial Calendar for SEO Strategies and Content Strategies

Developing an editorial calendar is essential for successful SEO and content strategies. Every business, whether it is...

Creating a Link Building Strategy

Creating a Link Building Strategy

Creating an effective link building strategy is an essential part of any successful search engine optimization (SEO)...

Increasing Social Media Visibility: SEO Fundamentals & Off-Page Optimization

Increasing Social Media Visibility: SEO Fundamentals & Off-Page Optimization

In the digital world, having a strong presence on social media is paramount for businesses to reach their target audience ...

Introduction to SEO Basics

Introduction to SEO Basics

Are you just starting out on your journey to mastering the art of search engine optimization (SEO)? If so, then you've...

Writing For People First, Search Engines Second

Writing For People First, Search Engines Second

Creating content that appeals to both people and search engines can be a challenge. But when done right, it can lead to...

Analyzing Competitor Strategies

Analyzing Competitor Strategies

Are you looking for a way to stay ahead of your competition? Knowing what strategies your competitors are using can be...

Search Engine Academy Certification Program: A Comprehensive Overview

Search Engine Academy Certification Program: A Comprehensive Overview

Are you looking to take your SEO knowledge to the next level? The Search Engine Academy Certification Program is the...

Creating Content Clusters and Silos for SEO

Creating Content Clusters and Silos for SEO

Creating content clusters and silos is an important part of successful SEO. It helps search engines understand your...

Tracking User Behavior with Heatmaps

Tracking User Behavior with Heatmaps

Understanding user behavior is one of the most important aspects of running a successful website or online business....

Improving Indexability With Robots.txt

Improving Indexability With Robots.txt

Robots.txt is an essential tool for any website owner who is interested in optimizing their website for search engines....

Creating SEO-Friendly URLs

Creating SEO-Friendly URLs

When it comes to optimizing for search engine success, creating SEO-friendly URLs is an essential part of the process....

Understanding Keyword Research and Competition Analysis

Understanding Keyword Research and Competition Analysis

Are you looking to gain a better understanding of keyword research and competition analysis? If so, you have come to the...

Using hreflang Tags for Multilingual Websites

Using hreflang Tags for Multilingual Websites

Having a website that is accessible to multiple languages is essential in today's globalized world. With hreflang tags,...

Monitoring Website Performance

Monitoring Website Performance

In today’s digital world, having a website is no longer enough. It is essential to monitor website performance in order ...

What is a Search Engine?

What is a Search Engine?

Search engines are powerful tools that help us find information quickly and easily. But what exactly is a search engine?...

Analyzing Competitor Strategies with Keyword Tracking Tools

Analyzing Competitor Strategies with Keyword Tracking Tools

In the rapidly changing digital landscape, it is essential for businesses to stay ahead of the competition. One way to...

Utilizing Structured Data for SEO Tips and Tricks

Utilizing Structured Data for SEO Tips and Tricks

In the age of digital marketing, one of the most important factors in achieving success is having a robust SEO strategy....

Creating an Intuitive Navigation Structure

Creating an Intuitive Navigation Structure

Creating an intuitive navigation structure is essential for a website to ensure that visitors can find the information...

Google Ads Certification Program Explained

Google Ads Certification Program Explained

If you're looking to gain a competitive edge in the digital marketing world, then the Google Ads Certification Program...

Optimizing for Local Citations

Optimizing for Local Citations

Are you looking to make your business stand out from the competition? One way to do so is by optimizing for local...

Developing Topic Clusters for SEO Optimization

Developing Topic Clusters for SEO Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a crucial factor for website success. In order to optimize for search engines, it is...

Google Analytics Certification Program: An Overview

Google Analytics Certification Program: An Overview

As businesses and organizations become increasingly data-driven, it is becoming more important than ever to have a...

Identifying Target Keywords: A Comprehensive Overview

Identifying Target Keywords: A Comprehensive Overview

When it comes to SEO, identifying target keywords is one of the most important steps in optimizing a website for search...

Setting up Google Analytics and Search Console

Setting up Google Analytics and Search Console

Are you looking to get started with setting up Google Analytics and Search Console? With more businesses turning to...

Ensuring Mobile Compatibility for SEO Web Development

Ensuring Mobile Compatibility for SEO Web Development

Having a website that is mobile compatible has become a must-have for companies wanting to succeed in today's digital...

Measuring Website Performance with Web Analytics

Measuring Website Performance with Web Analytics

In the constantly evolving world of digital marketing, website performance is a critical factor that can make or break...

Researching Keyword Competition: A Guide for SEO Beginners

Researching Keyword Competition: A Guide for SEO Beginners

Search engine optimization (SEO) can be a daunting task for those new to the game. With so many aspects to consider and...

Setting Up Google Analytics and Search Console for SEO Strategies

Setting Up Google Analytics and Search Console for SEO Strategies

If you're looking to improve your SEO strategies, setting up Google Analytics and Search Console is an essential step....

Optimizing Content for Featured Snippets

Optimizing Content for Featured Snippets

Are you looking to optimize your content to get featured in snippets? Having your content featured in Google snippets can ...

Analyzing User Behavior Data

Analyzing User Behavior Data

When it comes to understanding user behavior and driving successful customer engagement, analyzing user data is...

Optimizing images for SEO: Advanced On-Page Optimization Techniques

Optimizing images for SEO: Advanced On-Page Optimization Techniques

As search engine optimization continues to become an increasingly important part of driving traffic to your website,...